Lufkin Gearbox Repair Services
Call: 1-800-281-3071
For Emergencies Call: 1-832-338-4990
Chicago: 1-312-600-0777
Lufkin Gearboxes offers some of the best performance you can find but they do occasionally break down. You can call the OEM, BHGE, directly for your gearbox repairs; but like all other OEM’s, they have an extremely long turn around time for repairs and rebuilds. For many cases their backlog is from 9 months to a year for a repair.
Lufkin Gearbox Overhaul Services: The Gear World Advantage
Boost uptime and improve performance, while driving down the cost of maintenance of your equipment. From design and manufacturing to installation and repairs, our gearing solutions transmit power from engines, electric motors, turbines and compressors around the world. And with 24/7 global support, our certified experts are ready to deliver unmatched service—whenever and wherever you need it. So you can reduce risk and keep things moving at the speed of business.
Our Newly Overhauled / Rebuilt Lufkin gearboxes provide many advantages, such as:
- Improved speed, power, and performance
- Increased quality, reliability, and efficiency
- Customized solutions tailored to your needs
- Reduced risk and downtime
- 24/7 expert support when you need it
- Ensured regulatory compliance